Canada America´s most wonderful country

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  • Images and videos
  • Images and videos
  • Images and videos
  • Images and videos
  • Images and videos
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Canada is located in the northern part of the American continent, having a total area of 9,984,670 km2, which makes it a 42% smaller than Russia. Canada’s capital is Ottawa, but the most populated city is Toronto. It’s important to point out that in Toronto we can find the Younge Street, which is considered one of the longest streets in the world, since it is 1,896 km long. It was named the longest street by the Guinness World Records, but it then turned into the Canada’s railroad 11. Another well known city in Canada is Vancouver, which is sometimes spoken of the best city to live in. Its official languages are English and French and it consist of a federal parliamentary monarch as a government. In 2014, Canada had a total population of 35,158,304 people. Nonetheless, 30 million of them live in the longest border ever known, the one between Canada and the USA. This is due to the low temperatures that you can experience in other parts of Canada, making the cities near the border the more comfortable places to live. 


Canada is also a distinguishable country since it also has multiple aspects and curiosities that make it unique and irreplaceable. To start with, Canada has half of the world’s fresh water, having the greatest number of lakes in the world. In addition, it also has the second’s biggest petroleum reservoir of the world, after Saudi Arabia. 


But Canada’s more unique aspects are about its way of life. One of its first unique protocol is the fact that you have to tip between 10% and 15% whenever you go to a bar or restaurant. Even if that seems like an increase to the daily spending, they do save with living costs. Most homes don’t have an Internet connection since there’s Wi-Fi available in every shop, including coffee shops, supermarkets… And their telephone bill is also cheaper than in many some other countries, since all local calls are free of cost. 


Regarding food habits they are also unique. They are famous due to their multiple sauces in their meals: barbecue, spicy… Another interesting fact is that you can barely find a cup to drink a tea with, since most of them are made to be recycled. In another aspect that they’re ahead of comparing to other cultures is the fact that shops in Canada are open Monday through Sunday, so you can enjoy a recycled cup of coffee whenever you feel like it. 


Canada is also known for the multiple official sports that can be played: ice hockey during winter and lacrosse during summer. Nowadays, hockey is the most practiced sport in the country and the one with more fans and TV media show after it. Nonetheless, they also practice other sports such as American football, golf, baseball, soccer, basketball…