In Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, you'll find a hill with a peculiarly long name! "T a u m a t a w h a k a t a n g i h a n g a k o a u a u o t a m a t e a t u r i p u k a k a p i k i m a u n g a h o r o n u k u p o k a i w h e n u a k i t a n a t a h u", known to locals as Taumata Hill, is named after a warrior chief who mourned there for his dead brother. The name translates into English as "The place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed and swallowed mountains, played his flute to his loved one."
Peter Rejcek
Blood Falls in Antarctica
Unknown Author
Amazing Romanian rocks that keep on growing!
Fotografía: Kaleidoz
Sailboats between the mountains